I received your letter of April 14th last night but I
didn't intend to answer it until tonight or tomorrow. I was scheduled to
fly this morning but the mission was cancelled.
The student officer who went down over Europe was Bud Michaels. I don't
believe I ever mentioned his name to you because he hung around with
another group. His wife gave birth to a baby boy while we were at
Carlsbad. That's when combat begins to get rough.
President Roosevelt's death was a great shock to me but somehow or
other I figured he would never finish out his term. I hadn't the faintest
idea that it would be so soon but that, I suppose, is fate. He will go
down as the greatest president this country has ever had. It's really
unfortunate that it occurred at this particular time when our armies were
achieving victories on all fronts.
I received a letter from Ben yesterday written from home giving his new
address. I'm going to write home as soon as I finish this letter.
I'm enclosing some more Jap money which I want you to hold for me. That
monetary collection is really growing, isn't it? There are eight bills
I can't think of anything else to write so I'll say s'long.
My regards to all