I just felt like writing a letter and couldn't figure out
who to write so I decided to write to you. I haven't received any mail
from you in a few days but when I go to nail this letter I'll probably
find a few letters waiting for me.
So far I've only received one package from you but the rest are
undoubtedly somewhere in the Pacific. I think there are some unsorted
packages in the mailroom and I might have a few.
To date there is no change in my missions or in the weather. I still
have sixteen missions and it's still dry. The dust is starting to get a
little annoying. About thirty minutes rain every afternoon would be
Jerry's mail is starting to roll in now. I've had quite a few letters
from him with all sorts of dates on them. I received a letter from him
last night and he said that he just received two of my letters. One was
dated Sept. 6th and the other was dated Feb. 7th.
Quite a spread there.
That's about all I have to say for the present so I'll say s'long.
My regards to all