Letters from the Pacific # 13

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Letter # 13

January 25, 1945

Dear Mom,

The other day I received three letters from you dated December 18-20-23. One of these fine days I expect to catch up with all the mail that was addressed to me at my various APO's.

In your letter of the 18th you mention that it's hard to write when you haven't a letter to answer. How do you think I feel? I've been writing to Ben and Jerry along with many other people and I haven't received any mail to answer. Yesterday I received my second letter from Ben since I left the states. So far I haven't heard fro Jerry and I've written him plenty since I've been gone and even before I left.

I've been in the Philippines now for ten days and have been practically living in mud. The earth has a large quantity of clay so you can imagine how thick the mud is. We've finally got a tent built and we're three feet off the ground. Things are a lot dryer now and they put lights in our tent. The reason I haven't written you for the past few days is that I was either flying or working on the tent. I now have completed six missions with 55 hours of combat time. I only need 345 more. I joined the squadron on New Years Eve and I've done quite well since then. I'll have plenty to talk about when I do get home.

I'm now referring to your letter of Dec. 23 and I didn't see Manny Feigin while I was in New Guinea. I tried twice to get in touch with him. I had to make a complete set of new friends when I joined this squadron, The only one in our group that I knew before I got here was Lt. Andrew and he is assigned to a different squadron in the group. I hope to hear from Jerry soon but as long as I know that he's OK I don't worry so much although I would like to hear from him.

I don't think I'm doing bad on the writing end and I'll continue to write as often as possible. Sometimes I might fly two days in a row and will be too tired to write but I think I've been averaging out pretty well consider I haven't heard from you very much.

Tell Aunt Esther not to apologize for not writing because I understand her position. It's not every day your only daughter gets married. Don't forget to send me Gladys' new address so I can write her a letter of congratulations.

That's all for now so s'long.

My regards to all

Love Avy

P.S. How about sending me a package with plenty of reading material and Parker 51 black ink that I requested before.

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