On April 15, 1945 our target was Shinchiku Airdrone on
Formosa. The destruction of planes and damage to the air strip was needed
since kamakazi pilots (suicide pilots) were taking off from this air strip
and crashing into our Navy cruisers and carriers. On approaching the
target area, the air strip was covered with clouds and since we had no
radar at that time, we had to go around again giving the clouds time to
move on. We came in at the same heading, altitude and air speed as before
and the Japanese gunners had plenty of time to line up on us. I was in the
lead element of our squadron, being on the flight leaders right side. Just
before bombs were away I heard an explosion. I thought that my electrical
system had failed but the lights were indicating that the bombs were
released. I then heard some of the crew talking and I looked out of my
window and all I saw was pieces of debris floating through the air. The
left wing ship was hit before bombs were away and the plane exploded
killing the entire crew of ten men. Our left side had holes in the
fuselage and I was concerned that maybe the landing gear was damaged.
After we left the target I asked the pilot to put down the landing gear so
that we might inspect it. He did this and the gear was fine. On the way
back to our base we had lunch which we brought with us. I took two bites
out of my sandwich and thinking about what had happened made me lose my
appetite. I tried reading my book that I had brought along but I couldn't
get past the first paragraph thinking about the men we had lost. The pilot
of that plane was on his last mission before going home but went down with
his plane. This was the most traumatic day of my life at that time and I
can still visualize today ,57 years later, the events that took place.
It's just like it happened yesterday or last week and is so clear in my
mind. When the war ended I had 97 points out of 100 required and would
have flown one more mission to make me eligible for rotation. Recalling
the lost pilots last mission I was thankful to GOD that this was not going
to happen to me. |